Angelina Jordan Biography, Age, Height, Parents, Songs, Story & Facts

Last updated on: March 1st, 2024

Parents of Angelina Jordan:

Angelina Jordan, born on January 10th, 2006 in Oslo, Norway, is a talented young performer.

Angelina Jordan with her mother

She comes from a multicultural background, with her mother, Sara Astar, being Norwegian, and her father, Gerry Christian Slattman, working as a Petroleum Engineer. Sara Astar, Angelina’s mother, has been very supportive of her daughter’s career from a young age.

Angelina with her sister

Angelina’s grandparents include her maternal grandmother, Mery Zamani, who is an Iranian poet and painter. Jordan has a younger sister named Juliette Slattman.


She did her primary schooling at Oslo Waldorf School. Later, she attended Oslo School of Music and Performing Art, where she did her vocal training.

Angelina Jordan Biography:

Angelina’s Profile:
Personal Life:
Full NameAngelina Jordan Astar
Date of BirthJanuary 10, 2006
Age19 years 1 months (in March, 2025)
Zodiac/Sun SignCapricorn
Birth PlaceOslo, Norway
SchoolOslo Waldorf School
Physical Stats:
5 ft. 10″
(1.78 m)
(178 cm)
50 kg
Hair ColorBrown
Eye ColorBrown
Family & Relationships:
FatherGerry Christian Slattman
MotherSara Astar
Debut AlbumMy Christmas (in 2015)

The ‘Talent’ From Norway to the USA:

Angelina Jordan was about one and a half years old when she first heard Whitney Houston’s “I’ll Always Love You” on YouTube. She used to listen to that song continuously and tried to imitate it, and that’s how her parents discovered her talent.

After that, she honed her singing skills by observing singers like Diana Washington, Frank Sinatra, and Billie Holiday, which ultimately strengthened her passion for singing.


In 2014, when Angelina was seven years old, she participated in “Norske Talenter” (Norway’s Got Talent), a talent hunt show of Norway. In the audition round, she had amazed the judges and the audience sitting out there by singing Billie Holiday’s version of the “Gloomy Sunday.”

Later, she won the show, became a star in the country, and got famous in other parts of the world. She then featured in various renowned media outlets like TIME, CNN, People’s magazines, etc. She has also performed for US-based TV shows, like The View and Little Big Shots.

After winning Norway’s Got Talent at the age of 8, Angelina participated in America’s Got Talent. In her first audition at the show, she stunned the AGT judges with the “Bohemian Rhapsody” cover.

Angelina on AGT with Heidi Klum

After her performance, she also got a standing ovation from the judges and audience. Angelina’s mother and sister were also sitting out there. Lastly, Angelina won Heidi Klum’s Golden Buzzer. She later thanked Heidi for giving her the golden buzzer. However, she couldn’t reach the top 5 of the reality show.

Why Angelina Performs Barefoot?

Have you ever noticed that ‘why’ Angelina always performs barefoot at any stage? If not, then please do watch her videos. The reason, as it turns out, is rooted in a powerful and inspiring moment from her childhood.

When Angelina was just six years old, she was living with her family in the Middle East. One day, she met a young girl who was working as a street vendor. The girl was enamored with Angelina’s shoes, and in a generous gesture, she gave her shoes to the girl.

In that moment, the little vendor shared her dream of becoming a doctor, but expressed doubts about her ability to achieve it. So, the six-year old Angelina asked her to never lose hope. In respose the little said she would always pray for Angelina.

This encounter left a lasting impression on Angelina, and in honor of the young girl who inspired her, she decided to perform barefoot on stage. To her, it serves as a reminder of that powerful moment of encouragement and a symbol of her commitment to following her dreams, no matter how impossible they may seem.


After the powerful encounter with the young street vendor, Angelina was deeply inspired to tell the story of that moment and how it has shaped her life. She wrote a book titled “Mellom to Hjerter,” which means “Between Two Hearts” and was illustrated by her grandmother Zamani.

At just nine years old, Angelina published her book, making her the youngest published author in Norway.

Facts about Angelina Jordan:

  • Angelina Jordan sings “What a Wonderful World” in honor of the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize laureates Kailash Satyarthi (India) and Malala Yousafzai (Pakistan) at the award ceremony.
  • She made her professional debut with her album “My Christmas” in 2015.
Angelina with Avicii
  • In 2016, Avicii chose her for the vocals on his worldwide Volvo commercial campaign.
  • Jordan had performed for some social causes, including fundraising for California Space Museum and UCLA Mattel Children’s Hospital.
  • She also plays Guitar, Piano, and Flute.
  • She is an animal lover.
  • At the age of 10, she did a live concert with Alan Walker.
  • She appears in a guest role in the last episode of the 2014 season of Netflix series “Lilyhammer.”

Frequently asked questions on Google:

What is the age of Angelina Jordan?

19 years 1 months (in March, 2025)

What is the height of Angelina Jordan in March, 2025?

5 ft 10″ (1.78m or 178 cm) approx.

Who is Jordan’s mother?

 Her mother’s name is Sara Astar, and she is of Norwegian descent.

Who is Angelina Jordan’s father?

Gerry Slattman is Angelina’s father, of Swedish origin, and works as a petroleum engineer.

Social Media Accounts:

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66 thoughts on “Angelina Jordan Biography, Age, Height, Parents, Songs, Story & Facts”

  1. Happy 17th Birthday, Angelina! I am ANXIOUSLY awaiting the release of your first professional album as you graduate from high school and are free to express your musical art and begin your singing career…..or, will you be going to HARVARD like all the sweatshirts you’ve been wearing say on them?

  2. What has her private life gotto do with anybody. It’s hers and hers alone and nobodies business so please don’t poke your nose into to something which dosen’t belong to you or anybody else. If you can’t do that get a life or jump into a lake!
    She is heaven sent and all we should do is just enjoy her heavenly voice and journey. Nothing more and nothing less!

  3. If these height estimates keep growing it won’t be long and she’ll be getting cast for the lead jin “Attack of the 50 ft Woman, part 2”.

  4. Although it is human nature to be inquisitive about other people, I do find it offensive to publicly express personal opinions about the relationship between the parents of a young person. These “rumours”, for they are nothing else, began to appear in comments on YouTube when Angelina was about nine. I find it despicable that now, seven years later, people are still writing as if they are facts. Angelina and her family have never commented upon the matter, and they certainly have no obligation to do so. Let their private lives stay private.

    One last comment. Would all of you who have commented upon this matter like your private life plastered over the internet for everyone to see?

  5. Otkada sam otkrila Agelinu
    Jordan, njezin glas ,njezino pjevanje , i sve šta ona donosi ljudima oko sebe , osjećam , da će sve u svijetu biti u redu.

  6. Very rarely is it noted that Angelina’s maternal grandmother (Mery Zamani) was
    a child prodigy, as Angelina was. Grandma’s main forte as a child was artist and poet,
    but I did read somewhere that she sang, at 4 years of age, on an Iranian Talent Show.
    This would explain why she knew babies who were special (like she herself) could
    absorb music & lyrics, as well as singing aloud, at a much earlier age than experts
    believed to be possible. We know Mery loved jazz, and Angelina did state on The View,
    when she was 8, that she began singing jazz at 1-1/2. Personally, I believe Mery was the
    individual mostly responsible for Angelina developing singing skills so young.

    • Sorry, we can’t comment on her parents’ relationship status without knowing any facts (which we are lacking of for sure).

    • Grow up Jeffery, this 2021. Who gives a crap?
      What does that info have to do with anything?Lol
      You hateful person,
      You texted this crap to be disparaging.
      Lol- what religion do you judge people by?
      What century do you think it i???? Lol

    • Kinda nast
      y speculation, don’t you think? Why would any decent person post anything here that they wouldn’t use as conversation in a first casual meeting with her and her team?

  7. Really people ?? I read some of these comments. Why, why …. and all not so important.

    Get over it. Maybe one day, she herself will reveal all. OK ?

  8. Angelinajordanwillbemygirlfriendiwillbeyourboyfriendrandyroggaschwritebacktomerandyroggasch

  9. It seems to me that her biological father is NOT Gerry Christian Slattman unlike her younger sister whose family name IS Slattman. It’s no big deal. But it also explains why her mother’s family plays the most important role in her existence. One hears absolutely nothing about either her real, i.e. biological, father or his family. Someday, the truth will out.

    • Blah blah blah who cares gossipers. Angelina Jordan lifts people up when she sings and some people evidently have too heavy a weight on their soul to be lifted. So sad.

  10. Most times, artists, musicians, writers, movie stars etc, change their names completely or just the last name to have a unique name. That is why I think her name is Astar! Get it? A-Star!!!!! Astar!

  11. In sweden children use the fathers name if parents are married. If not they use mothers name… I kmow this since I an Swdesh…

    • Well maybe, but then why is her little sister named Juliette Slattman? And her mother went by Sara Slattman earlier, but then switched back to her maiden name Astar. It’s all very confusing. By the way, we know Astar is her maiden name because that’s the last name of Sara’s brother Michael, who is also Angelina’s manager.

      • Well, from pure logic of all written above the marriage was between Angelina’s and Juliette’s birth.

  12. No one mentions why she doesn’t use her father’s last name of Slattman.
    He is Swedish and all Swedish people I know do use their father’s name.

  13. Angelina é bem reservada quanto sua vida pessoal. Será que Slattman é o pai biológico dela? por isso do nome dela ser diferente? Bom, de qualquer forma ela é incrível, em todos os anos que assisti AGT ela foi a melhor 🌟🌟

      • A Angelina Jordan pode ter esse nome como nome artístico! Como é cristã colocou Jordan fazendo alusão ao Rio Jordão, vez que tem boas passagens de sua vida no oriente médio!
        Qto ao pai, se ele é engenheiro de petróleo fica muitas vezes afastado nas plataformas de petróleo no mar! Talvez isso explique suas ausências em shows! Acho que a Angie é uma menina normal, com familia normal! O que a diferencia é a sua voz que é maravilhosa e com I’m timbre que parece não caber dentro dela! Ela canta magnificamente bem!!!!

  14. With regards to her father, Slattman, whom i have not seen in her performances, are they living with him? Why Angies surname JORDAN/ASTAR, why not SLATTMAN? In all the success of Angie…her father is absent, why? Just curious..

    • Jordan is her middle name, and Astar is from her mother’s side. Why not Slattman? I think it’s her choice (or any other reason could be possible). And, yes, her father was present in some of her performances but, yeah, not in many of them.

      • Indeed, we can see her dad in the first video for Norway Got Talent “Gloomy Sunday”. He carries baby Juliette in his arms . Angelina is 6-1 at the moment. She has grown up a lot in the last few years. 5-4 is not a correct height anymore 🙂

  15. Angelina Jordan why her last name Jordan her father‘s last name is Slattman, her mother’s last nam Astar, and her sister carries moms last name

  16. She has been pictured with Barack Obama and is slightly taller than him. Barack Obama is listed as over 6 feet tall.

  17. I think you’ll have to update Angelina’s height. She seems to be growing another inch every day lol.

    • When she hugged Heidi Klum on stage at AGT they appeared the same height. Heidi is 5’9″ and had 3 inch heels. Angelina was barefoot.

      • you are correct…. Angelina is approx 6’0 tall. She has it all…. a good family, good looks, height, compassion,,and most well known….TALENT. Best female vocalist of all time, to my ears anyways…

  18. About her origins…
    Mery Zamani is an Iranian poet and painter, from Iran, she is her grand mother
    You said from her mother she is of Norwegian descent.
    You said from her father he is of Swedish origin
    Where does come from this Grand Ma then ?
    Angelina’s hair (and her sister too) are beautiful and brown and very long at the age of 7 ! this comes from Middle East origins, what are they ?
    You explain the story of the shoes…, she seems to have a big heart, we can see it in her eyes and feel it in her voice….
    Thank you

    • Yes, you are right!
      The blood of her Iranian grandmother won without a doubt as Angelina looks like a Middle East girl.
      The magical timbre of her voice is definitely unique with a slight oriental touch.
      Complete freedom of self-expression and confidence is reminiscent of the fearlessness of gypsies. Magic girl!
      However, her mother is also not at all like a Norwegian woman, her parents are Iranian / Japanese
      Since Angelina bears her mother’s last name, it is possible that her Swedish dad is an adoptive father. Its just a suggestion.
      Of course, all this is not so important, just wondering what people together created such magic as Angelina.

    • Her mother’s hair is bleeched as you can see in some pictures. It is darker than Angelina’s.

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